Matt's blog--the diary of a guy who worked a gazillion jobs!

I write here about important social and personal issues. I look forward to hearing from you.

Location: Brewster, New York, United States

Sunday, August 28, 2005

This picture was taken at the "kick-off" to the Judy festival. And, man, was it HOT that day! It's very sweet. This is Clarence the Munchkin soldier with his wife to his immediate left; the Coronor (Meinhart Raabe), and Margaret Pelligrini, who played a "sleepy head" Munchkin in Munchkin land. You also see their great granddaughter! Late at night I could hear them out in the hallway ( their rooms were adjacent to mine) saying "I can see you!" playfully to each other. The voices sounded like the Munchkins sounded, even today after all these years.


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